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Dr. Vanita Singh

Dr. Vanita Singh

[icon name=”book” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] Assistant Professor

[icon name=”book” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] Public Policy

[icon name=”envelope” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] vanita.singh@dypatil.edu

Dr. Vanita Singh holds a Ph.D. degree in Public Policy (Public Systems) from IIM Ahmedabad and Masters in Public Health from TISS, Mumbai. She has worked with Reliance Industries Ltd. for the design and implementation of hospital management information system for RIL Project: Sir H.N. Reliance Foundation Hospital, Mumbai. She was awarded Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) in Social Medicine and Community Health by UGC in the year 2013. She is currently workingas a co-investigator on multiple projects in the healthcare domain funded by WHO and Department of Science & Technology (DST). She serves as a mentor at The George Institute (TGI) for Global Health India Health Accelerator Programme.

Her research work focuses on accessibility, equity, and quality aspects in the healthcare domain, specifically public healthcaredelivery. She has published her work in several ABDC listed and SCOPUS indexed journals. She has presented her work at various prestigious national and international conferences including, Sixth Asia Pacific Public Policy Network (AP-PPN) in 2021, Hong Kong; 16th World Congress on Public Health in 2020 organized by European Public Health Association; XV International Conference of Public Policy and Management (2020), Centre for Public Policy (CPP) IIM Bangalore;and Fourth Pan-IIM World Management Conference (2015). Her research interests include health systems & policy analysis, universal health coverage, policy design and implementation, technology and development, gender and health. Prior to joining VPSM, she has taught at School of Health System Studies, TISS, Mumbai as a Visiting Faculty.

Research –

Journal Articles

Singh, Vanita, Garg, Amit, Laha, Arnab, O’Neill Stephen (2021). Publicly Financed Health Insurance Schemes and Horizontal Inequity in Inpatient Service Use in India. Asia Pacific Journal of Health Management. Vol. 16(1) https://journal.achsm.org.au/index.php/achsm/article/view/443/413

Singh, Vanita, & Dev, Vedant (2021). Telemedicine Adoption in India: Identifying Factors Affecting Intention to Use. International Journal of Healthcare Information Systems and Informatics. Vol. 16(4).

Singh, Vanita (September 2020). Promoting Antenatal Care: Identifying Policy Levers in Indian Context. European Journal of Public Health. [Supplementary issue for the abstracts selected for the 16th World Congress on Public Health 2020]. https://academic.oup.com/eurpub/article/30/Supplement_5/ckaa165.725/5913575

Singh, Vanita. (2019). Analyzing Public Health Expenditure under NRHM in Low and High Performing States. International Journal of Advance and Innovative Research. Vol 6 Issue 1 (XI). January-March 2019. [UGC CARE –II listed journal]    

Singh, Vanita, &Sivakami, M. (2014). Menopause: Midlife Experiences of Low Socio-economic Strata Women in Haryana. Sociological Bulletin, 63(2), 263–286. https://doi.org/10.1177/0038022920140205[SCOPUS indexed and UGC listed journal]

Book Chapters

Vanita Singh, Sumana Acharya, and Karan Babbar (January 2021). Chapter-11: Sexual and Reproductive Health of Elderly – A Neglected Aspect of Public Health. In Rural Elderly and Their Quest for Health. Authors Upfront. [Peer-reviewed book chapter]

Abhijeet Jadhav, Sumana Acharya and Vanita Singh (January 2021). Demographic transition and future trend of the rural elderly population in India. In Rural Elderly and Their Quest for Health. Authors Upfront. [Peer-reviewed book chapter]

Singh, Vanita, and M. Sivakami. (2020) "Normality, Freedom, and Distress: Listening to the Menopausal Experiences of Indian Women of Haryana." In The Palgrave Handbook of Critical Menstruation Studies, pp. 985-999. Palgrave Macmillan, Singapore, 2020 [Publication based on Masters’ thesis] Link: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-15-0614-7_70

Media Publications

Vanita Singh (2020). Under Ayushman Bharat Poor Patients are Not Going Cashless but with Less Cash. Science – The Wire. Published online July 2020. Link: https://science.thewire.in/health/ab-pmjay-scheme-health-insurance-packages-cashless/

Vanita Singh (2020). Don’t Undermine ASHA’s role in this Coronavirus fight with low pay. The Quint. Published online May 2020 Link: https://www.thequint.com/voices/women/coronavirus-asha-women-financial-support-recognition

Public Management; Public Policy- Design and Implementation; Behavioural Approach to Public Policy; Policy Analysis – An Integrated Approach; Management of Public Health Services; Health Policy and Planning

Masters of Public Health (Health Administration) Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), Mumbai

Ph.D. (Public Systems / Public Policy) IIM Ahmedabad
