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Students Grievance Redressal Committee

About the Committee

The Grievance Redressal Cell (GRC) aims to look into the complaints lodged by any student and redress it as per requirement. The students can state their grievance regarding any academic and non- academic matter within the campus through the online and grievance/ suggestion box. The institution aims at solving the grievances of the students within stipulated academic and non- academic matter within the campus through the online and grievance/ suggestion box.

The institution aims at solving the grievances of the students within stipulated time.

Functions of the Committee

Functions of the Committee

  1. Receive and Register Grievances:

The main function of the grievance committee is to receive and register complaints submitted by students of the college. This includes creating a mechanism for individuals to submit their concerns through various channels, such as written submissions, online forms, or in-person meetings.

  1. Investigate and Evaluate Grievances:

Make a thorough investigation and assessment of each complaint to understand its nature, merit, and the parties involved. This includes collecting appropriate information, interviewing people, and reviewing relevant documents to make informed decisions.

  1. Facilitate Informal Resolution:

Encourage informal resolution mechanisms, such as mediation or counselling, to address grievances at an early stage. The committee may play a role in facilitating communication between the parties involved and promoting an amicable resolution without the need for a formal investigation.

  1. Conduct Formal Investigations When Necessary:

If informal resolution is not possible or appropriate, the grievance committee should conduct a formal investigation. This involves following established procedures for gathering evidence, interviewing relevant parties, and ensuring a fair and impartial examination of the grievance.

  1. Make Recommendations and Ensure Implementation:

After completing the investigation, the committee should make recommendations for resolution. This may involve suggesting specific actions, policy changes, or corrective measures to address the issues raised. The committee also plays a role in monitoring and ensuring the implementation of these recommendations.

Composition of the committee

No Name Position Contact No Email Id
1 Prof. S. Ainavolu I/C Director 9322791090 s.ainavolu@dypatil.edu
2 Dr Stuti Sahni MBA Chair 9999892402 stuti.sahni@dypatil.edu
3 Dr Jyoti Singhal BBA Chair 9022103103 jyoti.singhal@dypatil.edu
4 Prof Ramanan Bala Professor 9619892885 ramanan.b@dypatil.edu
5 Prof Sanjay Chavan Asst Professor 9833022294 sanjay.chavan@dypatil.edu
6 Ms. Mita V Admin Head 9819959514 Mita.venkataraman@dypatil.edu
7 Mr Yash Hire Student – Member 8767056438 yas.hir.vpsm22@dypatil.edu
8 Ankita Pai Student – Member 8097874005 ank.pai.vpsm23@dypatil.edu